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Living Stories: A Virtual Exhibition by Advanced Painting on view through November 17

Lotus Blossoms by Adwaita Patil

We are each a descendent of our ancestors and, one day, might become the ancestor of descendants. In the meantime, we are living lives filled with stories that are often intricately woven into the stories of others.   

In this exhibition, students from the Advanced Painting class explore autobiographical stories from a multitude of angles. The paintings embody gratitude and fear, reflection and investigation, health and healing, family dynamics, religious practices and an array of personal identities in the making. Some of the paintings transform pre-existing documentation. Others pluck multigenerational stories and integrate them into one. In addition, some of the paintings present imaginary versions of a history—circumstances that didn’t happen—so as to remember a preferred, constructed ideal. In all cases, the paintings in this exhibition demonstrate that our stories are important and meaningful.  

See the full exhibition here until 11/17/2020:

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