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this week in sage

class of 2017 studio art majors graduate! congratulations caitlyn childress, allison froio, hannah geitner, v jie, jerry huang, mat johnson, courtney kuhn, sarah kingsley, raina langevin, jeff leavitt, yue li, mamiko nagasaka, ciarán spence, tiffany white, wanqin xu, and hannah zuegel! you will be missed.

  • allen topolski, evelyne leblanc-roberge, and heather layton return from their trip to argentina to present at

  • ciarán spence finishes the 2nd art cart of rochester (located in rush rhees library) and jeff leavitt completes asif gallery (a miniature replica of asis gallery)

  • sage advice is found around sage

  • new shades are chosen for sage...can you tell the difference between the 3 choices?

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